Chris Knight (Comedy)

Go ahead, laugh all you want.

Chris as The Joke Busker, accompanied by James McCann

Chris as The Joke Busker, accompanied by James McCann

The Joke Busker

Artisanal, hand-crafted, type-written jokes made to order based on a word of your own suggestion. Or, some guy who does puns on the street? You decide.

Chris began joke busking in late 2014, after finding it difficult to get work as a joke writer in Adelaide. He asked himself whether it would be worth just going up to strangers and offering them stand-up, uninvited. It wasn't.

Taking a cue from poetry buskers, and adding a vintage typewriter, he simply hit the streets of Adelaide (after explaining the idea across three attempts in order to get a City Council busking license) and The Joke Busker was born!


The Joke Busker is available for...

Happy Customers

A mild joke about hijabs receives undue celebration.

A mild joke about hijabs receives undue celebration.